The PA represents the interests of :
- The large privatised plantation companies that manage approximately 396 tea and rubber estates in the country
- Smaller proprietary plantations
- private owners of factories that process plantation crops
- Proprietary planters
- Agricultural produce brokers
- Plantation engineering firms
- Agricultural advisers on plantation crops
The total membership of the PA is 190, comprising
- Owner members 114 (includes RPCs)
- Management service members 14
- Private members 62
The PA membership together accounts for the management of 406 factories comprising
- 330 tea factories,
- Owner - 322
- Management - 08
- 75 rubber factories,
- 01 coconut/other
The total hectarage under the PA membership is 150,071.91 , comprising of
- Tea - 79,681.24
- Rubber - 41,634.52
- Coconut/other - 28,756.15
RPC members of the PA
- Agalawatte Plantations
- Agrapatana Plantation
- Balangoda Plantations
- Bogawantalawa Tea Estates
- Chilaw Plantations (Government managed)
- Elkaduwa Plantations (Government managed)
- Elpitiya Plantations
- Hapugastenne Plantations
- Hatton Plantations
- Horana Plantations
- Kahawatte Plantations
- Kegalle Plantations
- Kelani Valley Plantations
- Kotagala Plantations
- Kurunegala Plantations (Government managed)
- Madulsima Plantations
- Malwatte Valley Plantations
- Maskeliya Plantations
- Maturata Plantations
- Namunukula Plantations
- Pussellwa Plantations
- Talawakelle Tea Estates
- Udapussellawa Plantations
- Watawala Plantations